
Here are some notes on the talk on RxJS Recipes by Dominic Elm and Kwinten Pisman.

Dominic Elm & Kwinten Pisman - RxJS Recipes - Uphill Conf 2019

Identifying Patterns

  • What?: Result
  • When?: Trigger
  • How?: Pattern

Triggers and results should always be streams. If they are not streams, create streams yourself.

Repeater Pattern

Work that needs to be executed n times (n > 1)

const result$ = trigger$.pipe(<flatteningOperator>((_) => work$))


Lazily enrich a stream with data when trigger fires

const result$ = trigger$.pipe(
	map(([trigger, data]) => <data>),

Group Aggregator

Whenever the result is an Observable

const FT$ = falseTrigger$.pipe(mapTo(false))
const TT$ = trueTrigger$.pipe(mapTo(true))

const result$ = merge(FT$, TT$)

_(Note: While the merge _operator_ is deprecated, you can still use it as a creation function. If you want to use merge in a pipe, use mergeWith instead.)_

State Management

Example: user settings that can be updated in a dialog.

const result$ = trigger$.pipe(
  return((prevState, updates) => {
  return {...prevState, ...updates}

Work Decider

Work that needs to be stopped and restarted when some trigger fires

const result$ = trigger$.pipe(<flatteningOperator>((condition) => {
  if (condition) workA$
  else workB$

Use Observables as the boundaries between services and components.

Error Decider

Work that needs to be stopped and restarted when some trigger fires

const result$ = trigger$.pipe(
  retryWhen((error$) => {
    return error$.pipe(
      switchMap((_) => {
        if (condition) workA$
        else workB$